Pathfinder Foam Caliper Tool


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The pathfinder Foam Calliper Tool is a pipeline inspection device with a high level of mechanical compliance, which is capable of negotiating severe restrictions in a pipeline with minimal risk of blockage or damage. Pathfinder has been developed for the first stage assessment of operational pipelines prior to the use of metal-bodied pigs.  It can be used in conjunction with standard foam cleaning pigs to prove the bore of pipelines with unknown internal conditions, including:

  • New and operational pipelines which have not previously been pigged
  • Operational pipelines which have suffered damage due to external interference but are inaccessible for external inspection
  • Operational pipelines with unknown levels and distributions of wax or scale deposits

Information from the tool is used to identify the location and the size of localised bore restrictions in the line, allowing informed decisions to be made on the appropriate types and configurations of pigs to be deployed to clean or gauge the line.


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